
Ride the Hunter Valley

10 Dec 2022

A fantastic Saturday ride experience in the Hunter Valley, with little or no traffic for hours on end, and random stops (if needed) at those little country General Stores for a caffeine fix or old fashioned lolly bag. Features a festival of food and stalls at the finish line, this ride has all the ingredients to want to come back year after year.


Bikes, bikes, and more bikes. This new event will see thousands of riders converge into the Hunter Valley to ride in one of the most picturesque regions in Australia. Remember we need your bike to be in great shape with two brakes (that work), an Australian approved helmet, carry a phone and adequate fluid and nutrition for the distance you enter.


This region is overflowing with wineries and restaurants so you can enjoy delicious and fun experiences after your ride and during your stay in our area. Whether you conquer the 150km or enjoy our 22km, the finish line will be pumping with music and sample treats to wash the sweat away and start the bragging stories.


Enjoy the atmosphere of the festival village where you’ll find entertainment and treats to eat, as well all of the latest gear for your riding adventures!

Bike Prices

*All ‘Early Bird’ and ‘On Time’ entries will receive commemorative race merchandise

Distance Day Licence Early Bird
'Til 5pm, 30/9/2022
'Til 5pm, 18/11/2022
'Til 5pm, 7/12/2022
22KM $15 $50 $60 $70
70KM $15 $75 $85 $95
100KM $20 $130 $140 $155
150KM $20 $180 $200 $220



*Schedule is subject to change without notice

Friday 11.00am-4.30pm Health & Lifestyle Expo Shoal Bay Wharf
Friday 11.00am-1.30pm Registration Shoal Bay Wharf
Friday 1.50pm Race Briefing Shoal Bay Wharf
Friday 2.00pm Race Start 3.8km Swim Shoal Bay Wharf
Friday 2.15pm Race Start 1.9km Swim Shoal Bay Wharf
Friday 2.45pm Race Start 1km Swim Shoal Bay Wharf
Friday 2.50pm Race Start 500m Swim Shoal Bay Wharf
Friday 4.00pm Cut-off time for 3.8km (2 hrs) Shoal Bay Wharf
Friday 5.00pm Presentation (Swim) Shoal Bay Country Club
Saturday 6.30am-3.30pm Health & Lifestyle Expo Dalwood Estate
Saturday 6.30am-7.30am Registration 150km Dalwood Estate
Saturday 7.45am-8.30am Registration 100km Dalwood Estate
Saturday 7.50am Race Briefing 150km Start line - Dalwood Estate
Saturday 8.00am Race Start 150km Bike
Start line - Dalwood Estate
Saturday 8.45am-9.30am Registration 70km Dalwood Estate
Saturday 8.50am Race Briefing 100km Start line - Dalwood Estate
Saturday 9.00am Race Start 100km Bike
Start line - Dalwood Estate
Saturday 9.45am-10.30am Registration 22km Dalwood Estate
Saturday 9.50am Race Briefing 70km Start line - Dalwood Estate
Saturday 10.00am Race Start 70km Bike
Start line - Dalwood Estate
Saturday 10.50am Race Briefing 22km Start line - Dalwood Estate
Saturday 11.00am Race Start 22km Start line - Dalwood Estate
Saturday 3.00pm Presentation - All events Dalwood Estate
Saturday 4.00pm-6.00pm Registration 42km & 21km Nelsons Bay Foreshore
Sunday 6.00am-5.00pm Health & Lifestyle Expo Nelsons Bay Foreshore
Sunday 6.00am-7.00am Registration 42km Nelsons Bay Foreshore
Sunday 6.30am-7.30am Registration 21km Nelsons Bay Foreshore
Sunday 7.00am-8.00am Registration 10km Nelsons Bay Foreshore
Sunday 7.20am Race Briefing 42km Nelsons Bay Foreshore
Sunday 7.30am Race Start 42km Run
Nelsons Bay Foreshore
Sunday 7.30am-8.30am Registration 3km Nelsons Bay Foreshore
Sunday 7.50am Race Briefing 21km Nelsons Bay Foreshore
Sunday 8.00am Race Start 21km Run Nelsons Bay Foreshore
Sunday 8.20am Race Briefing 10km Nelsons Bay Foreshore
Sunday 8.30am Race Start 10km Run Nelsons Bay Foreshore
Sunday 8.50am Race Briefing 3km Nelsons Bay Foreshore
Sunday 9.00am Race Start 3km Run Nelsons Bay Foreshore
Sunday 2.00pm Cut off time for 42km (7 hrs) Nelsons Bay Foreshore
Sunday 4.00pm SBR Weekend Presentation Nelsons Bay Foreshore


Visit Port Stephens

Just 2 hours and 20 minutes drive north of Sydney the beautiful Port Stephens and Shoal Bay region has a multitude of things to do and sights to see beyond your swim, bike or run.


Dining Out

Things To Do